class HTTPError extends Error {
constructor(code, statusText, message, response) {
super(message || statusText);
if (arguments.length >= 4 && response) {
Object.assign(this, response);
this.statusText = statusText;
this.statusCode = code;
this.response = response;
* Wrapper for fetch.
* Inspired by
* @param {String} url The url of the ressource to fetch.
* @param {Object=} json Optional. Data used as json-serialized payload.
* @param {String=} method Optional. The HTTP method, e.g. POST. Default: GET (if json is unset).
* @param {Object=} params Optional. Params used as body for POST and get-query-String for others.
* @param {Object=} customConfig Some custom values for the fetch call.
* @returns {Promise<Response>} Returns the raw request a promise, or throws a HTTPError.
function request(url, {json, method, params, ...customConfig} = {}) {
if (!method) {
method = json ? 'POST' : 'GET'
const config = {
credentials: 'include',
method: method,
headers: {
if (url.startsWith('/') || url.startsWith(window.location.origin)) {
// TODO: Additional headers causes CORS problems
// and preflight OPTION requests are not working with the current viur-core
config.headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'Fetch';
if (json) {
config.body = JSON.stringify(json);
config.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
} else if (params && method === 'POST') {
if (typeof params === 'string' || params instanceof String) {
// provided a query string, e.g.: foo=1&bar=2
config.body = new URLSearchParams(params);
} else if (params instanceof HTMLFormElement) {
// provided a HTML form element
config.body = new FormData(params);
} else {
// provided a object, e.g.: {foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: [3, 4]}
config.body = new FormData();
Object.entries(params).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
for (const val of value) {
config.body.append(key, val)
} else {
config.body.append(key, value)
if (params && (method === 'GET' || json)) {
const getParams = new URLSearchParams(params)
url += `?${getParams.toString()}`;
return window
.fetch(url, config)
.then(async response => {
if (response.ok || (config.mode === 'no-cors' && response.type === 'opaque')) {
return response
} else {
const errorMessage = `${response.status} ${response.statusText}: ${response.headers.get('x-viur-error')}`
return Promise.reject(new HTTPError(response.status, response.statusText, errorMessage, response))
* Return a new skey.
* @returns {Promise<String>} The resolved json-Promise (the skey).
function getSkey() {
return request('/json/skey')
.then(request => request.json())
* Shows a alert with an error-message.
* @param {any} error The exception. Could be an instance of HTTPError or any other error/value.
function errorHandler(error) {
let headline = `Error`;
if (error instanceof HTTPError) {
headline += ` ${error.statusCode} ${error.statusText}`;
`Sorry, an unexpected error occurred.
Please try again our contact our customer service.`,
export {HTTPError, request, getSkey, errorHandler};