* @enum {string}
* Represents the availability status of an article.
export const ArticleAvailability = Object.freeze({
IN_STOCK: 'instock',
OUT_OF_STOCK: 'outofstock',
LIMITED: 'limited',
DISCONTINUED: 'discontinued',
PREORDER: 'preorder',
* @enum {string}
* Represents the type of cart.
export const CartType = Object.freeze({
WISHLIST: 'wishlist',
BASKET: 'basket',
* @enum {string}
* Represents the type of customer.
export const CustomerType = Object.freeze({
PRIVATE: 'private',
BUSINESS: 'business',
* @enum {string}
* Represents different salutations for customers.
export const Salutation = Object.freeze({
FEMALE: 'female',
MALE: 'male',
OTHER: 'other',
* @enum {string}
* Represents the type of address.
export const AddressType = Object.freeze({
BILLING: 'billing',
SHIPPING: 'shipping',
* @enum {string}
* Represents different types of codes.
export const CodeType = Object.freeze({
NONE: 'none',
INDIVIDUAL: 'individual',
UNIVERSAL: 'universal',
* @enum {string}
* Represents the domain of an application.
export const ApplicationDomain = Object.freeze({
BASKET: 'basket',
ARTICLE: 'article',
ALL: 'all', // Not care / both(all) / None
* @enum {string}
* Represents customer groups.
export const CustomerGroup = Object.freeze({
ALL: 'all', // All customers
FIRST_ORDER: 'first_order', // First-time order
FOLLOW_UP_ORDER: 'follow_up_order', // Follow-up order (repeat customers)
* @enum {string}
* Represents types of discounts.
export const DiscountType = Object.freeze({
PERCENTAGE: 'percentage', // Percentage discount
ABSOLUTE: 'absolute', // Absolute discount
FREE_ARTICLE: 'free_article', // Free article (and cart easter egg)
FREE_SHIPPING: 'free_shipping', // Free shipping
* @enum {string}
* Represents logical operators for conditions.
export const ConditionOperator = Object.freeze({
ONE_OF: 'one_of', // One condition must be satisfied
ALL: 'all', // All conditions must be satisfied
* @enum {string}
* Represents the state of an order.
export const OrderState = Object.freeze({
ORDERED: 'ordered', // Customer completed the order and clicked buy
PAID: 'paid', // Payment completed
RTS: 'rts', // Ready To Send (may not be paid yet)
* @enum {string}
* Represents the mode for handling quantity.
export const QuantityMode = Object.freeze({
REPLACE: 'replace', // Use the provided quantity as new value
INCREASE: 'increase', // Add the provided quantity to the current value
DECREASE: 'decrease', // Subtract the provided quantity from the current value
* @enum {string}
* Represents the status of shipping.
export const ShippingStatus = Object.freeze({
USER: 'user', // Shipping selected by a user
CHEAPEST: 'cheapest', // Cheapest shipping selected