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1import logging
2import typing as t
3from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated
4from viur.core import utils, errors, db, current
5from viur.core.decorators import *
6from viur.core.bones import KeyBone, SortIndexBone
7from viur.core.cache import flushCache
8from viur.core.skeleton import Skeleton, SkeletonInstance
9from viur.core.tasks import CallDeferred
10from .skelmodule import SkelModule
13SkelType = t.Literal["node", "leaf"]
16class TreeSkel(Skeleton):
17 parententry = KeyBone( # TODO VIUR4: Why is this not a RelationalBone?
18 descr="Parent",
19 visible=False,
20 readOnly=True,
21 )
23 parentrepo = KeyBone( # TODO VIUR4: Why is this not a RelationalBone?
24 descr="BaseRepo",
25 visible=False,
26 readOnly=True,
27 )
29 sortindex = SortIndexBone(
30 visible=False,
31 readOnly=True,
32 )
34 @classmethod
35 def refresh(cls, skelValues): # ViUR2 Compatibility
36 super().refresh(skelValues)
37 if not skelValues["parententry"] and skelValues.dbEntity.get("parentdir"): # parentdir for viur2 compatibility
38 skelValues["parententry"] = utils.normalizeKey(
39 db.Key.from_legacy_urlsafe(skelValues.dbEntity["parentdir"]))
42class Tree(SkelModule):
43 """
44 Tree module prototype.
46 It is used for hierarchical structures, either as a tree with nodes and leafs, or as a hierarchy with nodes only.
47 """
48 accessRights = ("add", "edit", "view", "delete", "manage")
50 nodeSkelCls = None
51 leafSkelCls = None
53 default_order = "sortindex"
55 def __init__(self, moduleName, modulePath, *args, **kwargs):
56 assert self.nodeSkelCls, f"Need to specify at least nodeSkelCls for {self.__class__.__name__!r}"
57 super().__init__(moduleName, modulePath, *args, **kwargs)
59 @property
60 def handler(self):
61 return "tree" if self.leafSkelCls else "tree.node" # either a tree or a tree with nodes only (former hierarchy)
63 def _checkSkelType(self, skelType: t.Any) -> t.Optional[SkelType]:
64 """
65 Checks for correct skelType.
67 Either returns the type provided, or None in case it is invalid.
68 """
69 skelType = skelType.lower()
70 if skelType == "node" or (skelType == "leaf" and self.leafSkelCls):
71 return skelType
73 return None
75 def _resolveSkelCls(self, skelType: SkelType, *args, **kwargs) -> t.Type[Skeleton]:
76 if not (skelType := self._checkSkelType(skelType)):
77 raise ValueError("Unsupported skelType")
79 if skelType == "leaf":
80 return self.leafSkelCls
82 return self.nodeSkelCls
84 def baseSkel(self, skelType: SkelType, *args, **kwargs) -> SkeletonInstance:
85 """
86 Return unmodified base skeleton for the given skelType.
88 .. seealso:: :func:`addSkel`, :func:`editSkel`, :func:`viewSkel`, :func:`~baseSkel`
89 """
90 return self._resolveSkelCls(skelType, *args, **kwargs)()
92 def viewSkel(self, skelType: SkelType, *args, **kwargs) -> SkeletonInstance:
93 """
94 Retrieve a new instance of a :class:`viur.core.skeleton.Skeleton` that is used by the application
95 for viewing an existing entry from the tree.
97 The default is a Skeleton instance returned by :func:`~baseSkel`.
99 .. seealso:: :func:`addSkel`, :func:`editSkel`, :func:`~baseSkel`
101 :return: Returns a Skeleton instance for viewing an entry.
102 """
103 return self.baseSkel(skelType, *args, **kwargs)
105 def addSkel(self, skelType: SkelType, *args, **kwargs) -> SkeletonInstance:
106 """
107 Retrieve a new instance of a :class:`viur.core.skeleton.Skeleton` that is used by the application
108 for adding an entry to the tree.
110 The default is a Skeleton instance returned by :func:`~baseSkel`.
112 .. seealso:: :func:`viewSkel`, :func:`editSkel`, :func:`~baseSkel`
114 :return: Returns a Skeleton instance for adding an entry.
115 """
116 return self.baseSkel(skelType, *args, **kwargs)
118 def editSkel(self, skelType: SkelType, *args, **kwargs) -> SkeletonInstance:
119 """
120 Retrieve a new instance of a :class:`viur.core.skeleton.Skeleton` that is used by the application
121 for editing an existing entry from the tree.
123 The default is a Skeleton instance returned by :func:`~baseSkel`.
125 .. seealso:: :func:`viewSkel`, :func:`editSkel`, :func:`~baseSkel`
127 :return: Returns a Skeleton instance for editing an entry.
128 """
129 return self.baseSkel(skelType, *args, **kwargs)
131 def cloneSkel(self, skelType: SkelType, *args, **kwargs) -> SkeletonInstance:
132 """
133 Retrieve a new :class:`viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance` that is used by the application
134 for cloning an existing entry of the tree.
136 The default is a SkeletonInstance returned by :func:`~baseSkel`.
138 .. seealso:: :func:`viewSkel`, :func:`editSkel`, :func:`~baseSkel`
140 :return: Returns a SkeletonInstance for cloning an entry.
141 """
142 return self.baseSkel(skelType, *args, **kwargs)
144 def rootnodeSkel(
145 self,
146 *,
147 identifier: str = "rep_module_repo",
148 ensure: bool | dict | t.Callable[[SkeletonInstance], None] = False,
149 ) -> SkeletonInstance:
150 """
151 Retrieve a new :class:`viur.core.skeleton.SkeletonInstance` that is used by the application
152 for rootnode entries.
154 The default is a SkeletonInstance returned by :func:`~baseSkel`, with a preset key created from identifier.
156 :param identifier: Unique identifier (name) for this rootnode.
157 :param ensure: If provided, ensures that the skeleton is available, and created with optionally provided values.
159 :return: Returns a SkeletonInstance for handling root nodes.
160 """
161 skel = self.baseSkel("node")
163 skel["key"] = db.Key(skel.kindName, identifier)
164 skel["rootNode"] = True
166 if ensure not in (False, None):
167 return
169 return skel
171 @deprecated(
172 version="3.7.0",
173 reason="Use rootnodeSkel(ensure=True) instead.",
174 action="always"
175 )
176 def ensureOwnModuleRootNode(self) -> db.Entity:
177 """
178 Ensures, that general root-node for the current module exists.
179 If no root-node exists yet, it will be created.
181 :returns: The entity of the root-node.
182 """
183 return self.rootnodeSkel(ensure=True).dbEntity
185 def getAvailableRootNodes(self, *args, **kwargs) -> list[dict[t.Literal["name", "key"], str]]:
186 """
187 Default function for providing a list of root node items.
188 This list is requested by several module-internal functions and *must* be
189 overridden by a custom functionality. The default stub for this function
190 returns an empty list.
191 An example implementation could be the following:
193 .. code-block:: python
195 # Example
196 def getAvailableRootNodes(self, *args, **kwargs):
197 q = db.Query(self.rootKindName)
198 ret = [{"key": str(e.key()),
199 "name": e.get("name", str(e.key().id_or_name()))} #FIXME
200 for e in]
201 return ret
203 :param args: Can be used in custom implementations.
204 :param kwargs: Can be used in custom implementations.
205 :return: Returns a list of dicts which must provide a "key" and a "name" entry with \
206 respective information.
207 """
208 return []
210 def getRootNode(self, key: db.Key | str) -> SkeletonInstance | None:
211 """
212 Returns the root-node for a given child.
214 :param key: Key of the child node entry.
216 :returns: The skeleton of the root-node.
217 """
218 skel = self.nodeSkelCls()
220 while key:
221 if not
222 return None
224 key = skel["parententry"]
226 return skel
228 @CallDeferred
229 def updateParentRepo(self, parentNode: str, newRepoKey: str, depth: int = 0):
230 """
231 Recursively fixes the parentrepo key after a move operation.
233 This will delete all entries which are children of *nodeKey*, except *key* nodeKey.
235 :param parentNode: URL-safe key of the node which children should be fixed.
236 :param newRepoKey: URL-safe key of the new repository.
237 :param depth: Safety level depth preventing infinitive loops.
238 """
239 if depth > 99:
240 logging.critical(f"Maximum recursion depth reached in {self.updateParentRepo.__module__}/updateParentRepo")
241 logging.critical("Your data is corrupt!")
242 logging.debug(f"{parentNode=}, {newRepoKey=}")
243 return
245 def fixTxn(nodeKey, newRepoKey):
246 node = db.Get(nodeKey)
247 node["parentrepo"] = newRepoKey
248 db.Put(node)
250 # Fix all nodes
251 q = db.Query(self.viewSkel("node").kindName).filter("parententry =", parentNode)
252 for repo in q.iter():
253 self.updateParentRepo(repo.key, newRepoKey, depth=depth + 1)
254 db.RunInTransaction(fixTxn, repo.key, newRepoKey)
256 # Fix the leafs on this level
257 if self.leafSkelCls:
258 q = db.Query(self.viewSkel("leaf").kindName).filter("parententry =", parentNode)
259 for repo in q.iter():
260 db.RunInTransaction(fixTxn, repo.key, newRepoKey)
262 ## Internal exposed functions
264 @internal_exposed
265 def pathToKey(self, key: db.Key):
266 """
267 Returns the recursively expanded path through the Tree from the root-node to a
268 requested node.
269 :param key: Key of the destination *node*.
270 :returns: An nested dictionary with information about all nodes in the path from root to the requested node.
271 """
272 lastLevel = []
273 for x in range(0, 99):
274 currentNodeSkel = self.viewSkel("node")
275 if not
276 return [] # Either invalid key or listFilter prevented us from fetching anything
277 if currentNodeSkel["parententry"] == currentNodeSkel["parentrepo"]: # We reached the top level
278 break
279 levelQry = self.viewSkel("node").all().filter("parententry =", currentNodeSkel["parententry"])
280 currentLevel = [{"skel": x,
281 "active": x["key"] == currentNodeSkel["key"],
282 "children": lastLevel if x["key"] == currentNodeSkel["key"] else []}
283 for x in self.listFilter(levelQry).fetch(99)]
284 assert currentLevel, "Got emtpy parent list?"
285 lastLevel = currentLevel
286 key = currentNodeSkel["parententry"]
287 return lastLevel
289 ## External exposed functions
291 @exposed
292 def index(self, skelType: SkelType = "node", parententry: t.Optional[db.Key | int | str] = None, **kwargs):
293 if not parententry:
294 repos = self.getAvailableRootNodes(**kwargs)
295 match len(repos):
296 case 0:
297 raise errors.Unauthorized()
298 case 1:
299 parententry = repos[0]["key"]
300 case _:
301 raise errors.NotAcceptable(f"Missing required parameter {'parententry'!r}")
303 return self.list(skelType=skelType, parententry=parententry, **kwargs)
305 @exposed
306 def listRootNodes(self, *args, **kwargs) -> t.Any:
307 """
308 Renders a list of all available repositories for the current user using the
309 modules default renderer.
311 :returns: The rendered representation of the available root-nodes.
312 """
313 return self.render.listRootNodes(self.getAvailableRootNodes(*args, **kwargs))
315 @exposed
316 def list(self, skelType: SkelType, *args, **kwargs) -> t.Any:
317 """
318 Prepares and renders a list of entries.
320 All supplied parameters are interpreted as filters for the elements displayed.
322 Unlike other module prototypes in ViUR, the access control in this function is performed
323 by calling the function :func:`listFilter`, which updates the query-filter to match only
324 elements which the user is allowed to see.
326 .. seealso:: :func:`listFilter`, :func:`viur.core.db.mergeExternalFilter`
328 :returns: The rendered list objects for the matching entries.
330 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.Unauthorized`, if the current user does not have the required permissions.
331 """
332 if not (skelType := self._checkSkelType(skelType)):
333 raise errors.NotAcceptable("Invalid skelType provided.")
335 # The general access control is made via self.listFilter()
336 if not (query := self.listFilter(self.viewSkel(skelType).all().mergeExternalFilter(kwargs))):
337 raise errors.Unauthorized()
339 self._apply_default_order(query)
340 return self.render.list(query.fetch())
342 @exposed
343 def structure(self, skelType: SkelType, action: t.Optional[str] = "view") -> t.Any:
344 """
345 :returns: Returns the structure of our skeleton as used in list/view. Values are the defaultValues set
346 in each bone.
348 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.Unauthorized`, if the current user does not have the required permissions.
349 """
350 # FIXME: In ViUR > 3.7 this could also become dynamic (ActionSkel paradigm).
351 match action:
352 case "view":
353 skel = self.viewSkel(skelType)
354 if not self.canView(skelType, skel):
355 raise errors.Unauthorized()
357 case "edit":
358 skel = self.editSkel(skelType)
359 if not self.canEdit(skelType, skel):
360 raise errors.Unauthorized()
362 case "add":
363 if not self.canAdd(skelType):
364 raise errors.Unauthorized()
366 skel = self.addSkel(skelType)
368 case "clone":
369 skel = self.cloneSkel(skelType)
370 if not (self.canAdd(skelType) and self.canEdit(skelType, skel)):
371 raise errors.Unauthorized()
373 case _:
374 raise errors.NotImplemented(f"The action {action!r} is not implemented.")
376 return self.render.render(f"structure.{skelType}.{action}", skel)
378 @exposed
379 def view(self, skelType: SkelType, key: db.Key | int | str, *args, **kwargs) -> t.Any:
380 """
381 Prepares and renders a single entry for viewing.
383 The entry is fetched by its *key* and its *skelType*.
384 The function performs several access control checks on the requested entity before it is rendered.
386 .. seealso:: :func:`canView`, :func:`onView`
388 :returns: The rendered representation of the requested entity.
390 :param skelType: May either be "node" or "leaf".
391 :param key: URL-safe key of the parent.
393 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.NotAcceptable`, when an incorrect *skelType* is provided.
394 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.NotFound`, when no entry with the given *key* was found.
395 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.Unauthorized`, if the current user does not have the required permissions.
396 """
397 if not (skelType := self._checkSkelType(skelType)):
398 raise errors.NotAcceptable(f"Invalid skelType provided.")
400 skel = self.viewSkel(skelType)
401 if not
402 raise errors.NotFound()
404 if not self.canView(skelType, skel):
405 raise errors.Unauthorized()
407 self.onView(skelType, skel)
408 return self.render.view(skel)
410 @exposed
411 @force_ssl
412 @skey(allow_empty=True)
413 def add(self, skelType: SkelType, node: db.Key | int | str, *args, **kwargs) -> t.Any:
414 """
415 Add a new entry with the given parent *node*, and render the entry, eventually with error notes
416 on incorrect data. Data is taken by any other arguments in *kwargs*.
418 The function performs several access control checks on the requested entity before it is added.
420 .. seealso:: :func:`canAdd`, :func:`onAdd`, , :func:`onAdded`
422 :param skelType: Defines the type of the new entry and may either be "node" or "leaf".
423 :param node: URL-safe key of the parent.
425 :returns: The rendered, added object of the entry, eventually with error hints.
427 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.NotAcceptable`, when no valid *skelType* was provided.
428 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.NotFound`, when no valid *node* was found.
429 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.Unauthorized`, if the current user does not have the required permissions.
430 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.PreconditionFailed`, if the *skey* could not be verified.
431 """
432 if not (skelType := self._checkSkelType(skelType)):
433 raise errors.NotAcceptable(f"Invalid skelType provided.")
435 skel = self.addSkel(skelType)
436 parentNodeSkel = self.editSkel("node")
438 # TODO VIUR4: Why is this parameter called "node"?
439 if not
440 raise errors.NotFound("The provided parent node could not be found.")
441 if not self.canAdd(skelType, parentNodeSkel):
442 raise errors.Unauthorized()
444 skel["parententry"] = parentNodeSkel["key"]
445 # parentrepo may not exist in parentNodeSkel as it may be an rootNode
446 skel["parentrepo"] = parentNodeSkel["parentrepo"] or parentNodeSkel["key"]
448 if (
449 not kwargs # no data supplied
450 or not current.request.get().isPostRequest # failure if not using POST-method
451 or not skel.fromClient(kwargs) # failure on reading into the bones
452 or utils.parse.bool(kwargs.get("bounce")) # review before adding
453 ):
454 return self.render.add(skel)
456 self.onAdd(skelType, skel)
457 skel.write()
458 self.onAdded(skelType, skel)
460 return self.render.addSuccess(skel)
462 @force_ssl
463 @force_post
464 @exposed
465 @skey
466 @access("root")
467 def add_or_edit(self, skelType: SkelType, key: db.Key | int | str, **kwargs) -> t.Any:
468 """
469 This function is intended to be used by importers.
470 Only "root"-users are allowed to use it.
471 """
472 if not (skelType := self._checkSkelType(skelType)):
473 raise errors.NotAcceptable("Invalid skelType provided.")
475 kind_name = self.nodeSkelCls.kindName if skelType == "node" else self.leafSkelCls.kindName
477 db_key = db.keyHelper(key, targetKind=kind_name, adjust_kind=kind_name)
478 is_add = not bool(db.Get(db_key))
480 if is_add:
481 skel = self.addSkel(skelType)
482 else:
483 skel = self.editSkel(skelType)
485 skel = skel.ensure_is_cloned()
486 skel.parententry.required = True
487 skel.parententry.readOnly = False
489 skel["key"] = db_key
491 if (
492 not kwargs # no data supplied
493 or not skel.fromClient(kwargs) # failure on reading into the bones
494 ):
495 # render the skeleton in the version it could as far as it could be read.
496 return self.render.render("add_or_edit", skel)
498 # Ensure the parententry exists
499 parentNodeSkel = self.editSkel("node")
500 if not["parententry"]):
501 raise errors.NotFound("The provided parent node could not be found.")
502 if not self.canAdd(skelType, parentNodeSkel):
503 raise errors.Unauthorized()
505 skel["parententry"] = parentNodeSkel["key"]
506 # parentrepo may not exist in parentNodeSkel as it may be an rootNode
507 skel["parentrepo"] = parentNodeSkel["parentrepo"] or parentNodeSkel["key"]
509 if is_add:
510 self.onAdd(skelType, skel)
511 else:
512 self.onEdit(skelType, skel)
514 skel.write()
516 if is_add:
517 self.onAdded(skelType, skel)
518 return self.render.addSuccess(skel)
520 self.onEdited(skelType, skel)
521 return self.render.editSuccess(skel)
523 @exposed
524 @force_ssl
525 @skey(allow_empty=True)
526 def edit(self, skelType: SkelType, key: db.Key | int | str, *args, **kwargs) -> t.Any:
527 """
528 Modify an existing entry, and render the entry, eventually with error notes on incorrect data.
529 Data is taken by any other arguments in *kwargs*.
531 The function performs several access control checks on the requested entity before it is added.
533 .. seealso:: :func:`canEdit`, :func:`onEdit`, :func:`onEdited`
535 :param skelType: Defines the type of the entry that should be modified and may either be "node" or "leaf".
536 :param key: URL-safe key of the item to be edited.
538 :returns: The rendered, modified object of the entry, eventually with error hints.
540 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.NotAcceptable`, when no valid *skelType* was provided.
541 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.NotFound`, when no valid *node* was found.
542 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.Unauthorized`, if the current user does not have the required permissions.
543 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.PreconditionFailed`, if the *skey* could not be verified.
544 """
545 if not (skelType := self._checkSkelType(skelType)):
546 raise errors.NotAcceptable(f"Invalid skelType provided.")
548 skel = self.editSkel(skelType)
549 if not
550 raise errors.NotFound()
552 if not self.canEdit(skelType, skel):
553 raise errors.Unauthorized()
555 if (
556 not kwargs # no data supplied
557 or not current.request.get().isPostRequest # failure if not using POST-method
558 or not skel.fromClient(kwargs, amend=True) # failure on reading into the bones
559 or utils.parse.bool(kwargs.get("bounce")) # review before adding
560 ):
561 return self.render.edit(skel)
563 self.onEdit(skelType, skel)
564 skel.write()
565 self.onEdited(skelType, skel)
567 return self.render.editSuccess(skel)
569 @exposed
570 @force_ssl
571 @force_post
572 @skey
573 def delete(self, skelType: SkelType, key: str, *args, **kwargs) -> t.Any:
574 """
575 Deletes an entry or an directory (including its contents).
577 The function runs several access control checks on the data before it is deleted.
579 .. seealso:: :func:`canDelete`, :func:`onDelete`, :func:`onDeleted`
581 :param skelType: Defines the type of the entry that should be deleted and may either be "node" or "leaf".
582 :param key: URL-safe key of the item to be deleted.
584 :returns: The rendered, deleted object of the entry.
586 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.NotFound`, when no entry with the given *key* was found.
587 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.Unauthorized`, if the current user does not have the required permissions.
588 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.PreconditionFailed`, if the *skey* could not be verified.
589 """
590 if not (skelType := self._checkSkelType(skelType)):
591 raise errors.NotAcceptable(f"Invalid skelType provided.")
593 skel = self.editSkel(skelType)
594 if not
595 raise errors.NotFound()
597 if not self.canDelete(skelType, skel):
598 raise errors.Unauthorized()
600 if skelType == "node":
601 self.deleteRecursive(skel["key"])
603 self.onDelete(skelType, skel)
604 skel.delete()
605 self.onDeleted(skelType, skel)
607 return self.render.deleteSuccess(skel, skelType=skelType)
609 @CallDeferred
610 def deleteRecursive(self, parentKey: str):
611 """
612 Recursively processes a delete request.
614 This will delete all entries which are children of *nodeKey*, except *key* nodeKey.
616 :param parentKey: URL-safe key of the node which children should be deleted.
617 """
618 nodeKey = db.keyHelper(parentKey, self.viewSkel("node").kindName)
619 if self.leafSkelCls:
620 for leaf in db.Query(self.viewSkel("leaf").kindName).filter("parententry =", nodeKey).iter():
621 leafSkel = self.viewSkel("leaf")
622 if not
623 continue
624 leafSkel.delete()
625 for node in db.Query(self.viewSkel("node").kindName).filter("parententry =", nodeKey).iter():
626 self.deleteRecursive(node.key)
627 nodeSkel = self.viewSkel("node")
628 if not
629 continue
630 nodeSkel.delete()
632 @exposed
633 @force_ssl
634 @force_post
635 @skey
636 def move(self, skelType: SkelType, key: db.Key | int | str, parentNode: str, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
637 """
638 Move a node (including its contents) or a leaf to another node.
640 .. seealso:: :func:`canMove`
642 :param skelType: Defines the type of the entry that should be moved and may either be "node" or "leaf".
643 :param key: URL-safe key of the item to be moved.
644 :param parentNode: URL-safe key of the destination node, which must be a node.
645 :param skey: The CSRF security key.
647 :returns: The rendered, edited object of the entry.
649 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.NotFound`, when no entry with the given *key* was found.
650 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.Unauthorized`, if the current user does not have the required permissions.
651 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.PreconditionFailed`, if the *skey* could not be verified.
652 """
653 if not (skelType := self._checkSkelType(skelType)):
654 raise errors.NotAcceptable(f"Invalid skelType provided.")
656 skel = self.editSkel(skelType) # srcSkel - the skeleton to be moved
657 parentNodeSkel = self.baseSkel("node") # destSkel - the node it should be moved into
659 if not
660 raise errors.NotFound("Cannot find entity to move")
662 if not
663 parentNode = utils.normalizeKey(db.Key.from_legacy_urlsafe(parentNode))
665 if parentNode.kind != parentNodeSkel.kindName:
666 raise errors.NotFound(
667 f"You provided a key of kind {parentNode.kind}, but require a {parentNodeSkel.kindName}."
668 )
670 raise errors.NotFound("Cannot find parentNode entity")
672 if not self.canMove(skelType, skel, parentNodeSkel):
673 raise errors.Unauthorized()
675 if skel["key"] == parentNodeSkel["key"]:
676 raise errors.NotAcceptable("Cannot move a node into itself")
678 ## Test for recursion
679 currLevel = db.Get(parentNodeSkel["key"])
680 for _ in range(0, 99):
681 if currLevel.key == skel["key"]:
682 break
683 if currLevel.get("rootNode") or currLevel.get("is_root_node"):
684 # We reached a rootNode, so this is okay
685 break
686 currLevel = db.Get(currLevel["parententry"])
687 else: # We did not "break" - recursion-level exceeded or loop detected
688 raise errors.NotAcceptable("Unable to find a root node in recursion?")
690 # Test if we try to move a rootNode
691 # TODO: Remove "rootNode"-fallback with VIUR4
692 if skel.dbEntity.get("is_root_node") or skel.dbEntity.get("rootNode"):
693 raise errors.NotAcceptable("Can't move a rootNode to somewhere else")
695 currentParentRepo = skel["parentrepo"]
696 skel["parententry"] = parentNodeSkel["key"]
697 skel["parentrepo"] = parentNodeSkel["parentrepo"] # Fixme: Need to recursive fixing to parentrepo?
698 if "sortindex" in kwargs:
699 try:
700 skel["sortindex"] = float(kwargs["sortindex"])
701 except:
702 raise errors.PreconditionFailed()
704 self.onEdit(skelType, skel)
705 skel.write()
706 self.onEdited(skelType, skel)
708 # Ensure a changed parentRepo get's proagated
709 if currentParentRepo != parentNodeSkel["parentrepo"]:
710 self.updateParentRepo(key, parentNodeSkel["parentrepo"])
712 return self.render.editSuccess(skel)
714 @exposed
715 @force_ssl
716 @skey(allow_empty=True)
717 def clone(self, skelType: SkelType, key: db.Key | str | int, **kwargs):
718 """
719 Clone an existing entry, and render the entry, eventually with error notes on incorrect data.
720 Data is taken by any other arguments in *kwargs*.
722 The function performs several access control checks on the requested entity before it is added.
724 .. seealso:: :func:`canEdit`, :func:`canAdd`, :func:`onClone`, :func:`onCloned`
726 :param skelType: Defines the type of the entry that should be cloned and may either be "node" or "leaf".
727 :param key: URL-safe key of the item to be edited.
729 :returns: The cloned object of the entry, eventually with error hints.
731 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.NotAcceptable`, when no valid *skelType* was provided.
732 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.NotFound`, when no *entry* to clone from was found.
733 :raises: :exc:`viur.core.errors.Unauthorized`, if the current user does not have the required permissions.
734 """
736 if not (skelType := self._checkSkelType(skelType)):
737 raise errors.NotAcceptable(f"Invalid skelType provided.")
739 skel = self.cloneSkel(skelType)
740 if not
741 raise errors.NotFound()
743 # a clone-operation is some kind of edit and add...
744 if not (self.canEdit(skelType, skel) and self.canAdd(skelType, kwargs.get("parententry"))):
745 raise errors.Unauthorized()
747 # Remember source skel and unset the key for clone operation!
748 src_skel = skel
749 skel = skel.clone(apply_clone_strategy=True)
750 skel["key"] = None
752 # make parententry required and writeable when provided
753 if "parententry" in kwargs:
754 skel.parententry.readOnly = False
755 skel.parententry.required = True
756 else:
757 _ = skel["parententry"] # TODO: because of accessedValues...
759 # make parentrepo required and writeable when provided
760 if "parentrepo" in kwargs:
761 skel.parentrepo.readOnly = False
762 skel.parentrepo.required = True
763 else:
764 _ = skel["parentrepo"] # TODO: because of accessedValues...
766 # Check all required preconditions for clone
767 if (
768 not kwargs # no data supplied
769 or not current.request.get().isPostRequest # failure if not using POST-method
770 or not skel.fromClient(kwargs) # failure on reading into the bones
771 or utils.parse.bool(kwargs.get("bounce")) # review before changing
772 ):
773 return self.render.edit(skel, action="clone")
775 self.onClone(skelType, skel, src_skel=src_skel)
776 assert skel.write()
777 self.onCloned(skelType, skel, src_skel=src_skel)
779 return self.render.editSuccess(skel, action="cloneSuccess")
781 ## Default access control functions
783 def listFilter(self, query: db.Query) -> t.Optional[db.Query]:
784 """
785 Access control function on item listing.
787 This function is invoked by the :func:`list` renderer and the related Jinja2 fetching function,
788 and is used to modify the provided filter parameter to match only items that the current user
789 is allowed to see.
791 :param query: Query which should be altered.
793 :returns: The altered filter, or None if access is not granted.
794 """
796 if (user := current.user.get()) and (f"{self.moduleName}-view" in user["access"] or "root" in user["access"]):
797 return query
799 return None
801 def canView(self, skelType: SkelType, skel: SkeletonInstance) -> bool:
802 """
803 Checks if the current user can view the given entry.
804 Should be identical to what's allowed by listFilter.
805 By default, `meth:listFilter` is used to determine what's allowed and whats not; but this
806 method can be overridden for performance improvements (to eliminate that additional database access).
807 :param skel: The entry we check for
808 :return: True if the current session is authorized to view that entry, False otherwise
809 """
810 query = self.viewSkel(skelType).all()
812 if key := skel["key"]:
813 query.mergeExternalFilter({"key": key})
815 query = self.listFilter(query) # Access control
817 if query is None or (key and not query.getEntry()):
818 return False
820 return True
822 def canAdd(self, skelType: SkelType, parentNodeSkel: t.Optional[SkeletonInstance] = None) -> bool:
823 """
824 Access control function for adding permission.
826 Checks if the current user has the permission to add a new entry.
828 The default behavior is:
829 - If no user is logged in, adding is generally refused.
830 - If the user has "root" access, adding is generally allowed.
831 - If the user has the modules "add" permission (module-add) enabled, adding is allowed.
833 It should be overridden for a module-specific behavior.
835 .. seealso:: :func:`add`
837 :param skelType: Defines the type of the node that should be added.
838 :param parentNodeSkel: The parent node where a new entry should be added.
840 :returns: True, if adding entries is allowed, False otherwise.
841 """
843 if not (user := current.user.get()):
844 return False
845 # root user is always allowed.
846 if user["access"] and "root" in user["access"]:
847 return True
848 # user with add-permission is allowed.
849 if user and user["access"] and f"{self.moduleName}-add" in user["access"]:
850 return True
851 return False
853 def canEdit(self, skelType: SkelType, skel: SkeletonInstance) -> bool:
854 """
855 Access control function for modification permission.
857 Checks if the current user has the permission to edit an entry.
859 The default behavior is:
860 - If no user is logged in, editing is generally refused.
861 - If the user has "root" access, editing is generally allowed.
862 - If the user has the modules "edit" permission (module-edit) enabled, editing is allowed.
864 It should be overridden for a module-specific behavior.
866 .. seealso:: :func:`edit`
868 :param skelType: Defines the type of the node that should be edited.
869 :param skel: The Skeleton that should be edited.
871 :returns: True, if editing entries is allowed, False otherwise.
872 """
873 if not (user := current.user.get()):
874 return False
875 if user["access"] and "root" in user["access"]:
876 return True
877 if user and user["access"] and f"{self.moduleName}-edit" in user["access"]:
878 return True
879 return False
881 def canDelete(self, skelType: SkelType, skel: SkeletonInstance) -> bool:
882 """
883 Access control function for delete permission.
885 Checks if the current user has the permission to delete an entry.
887 The default behavior is:
888 - If no user is logged in, deleting is generally refused.
889 - If the user has "root" access, deleting is generally allowed.
890 - If the user has the modules "deleting" permission (module-delete) enabled, \
891 deleting is allowed.
893 It should be overridden for a module-specific behavior.
895 :param skelType: Defines the type of the node that should be deleted.
896 :param skel: The Skeleton that should be deleted.
898 .. seealso:: :func:`delete`
900 :returns: True, if deleting entries is allowed, False otherwise.
901 """
902 if not (user := current.user.get()):
903 return False
904 if user["access"] and "root" in user["access"]:
905 return True
906 if user and user["access"] and f"{self.moduleName}-delete" in user["access"]:
907 return True
908 return False
910 def canMove(self, skelType: SkelType, node: SkeletonInstance, destNode: SkeletonInstance) -> bool:
911 """
912 Access control function for moving permission.
914 Checks if the current user has the permission to move an entry.
916 The default behavior is:
917 - If no user is logged in, deleting is generally refused.
918 - If the user has "root" access, deleting is generally allowed.
919 - If the user has the modules "edit" permission (module-edit) enabled, \
920 moving is allowed.
922 It should be overridden for a module-specific behavior.
924 :param skelType: Defines the type of the node that shall be deleted.
925 :param node: URL-safe key of the node to be moved.
926 :param destNode: URL-safe key of the node where *node* should be moved to.
928 .. seealso:: :func:`move`
930 :returns: True, if deleting entries is allowed, False otherwise.
931 """
932 if not (user := current.user.get()):
933 return False
934 if user["access"] and "root" in user["access"]:
935 return True
936 if user and user["access"] and f"{self.moduleName}-edit" in user["access"]:
937 return True
938 return False
940 ## Overridable eventhooks
942 def onAdd(self, skelType: SkelType, skel: SkeletonInstance):
943 """
944 Hook function that is called before adding an entry.
946 It can be overridden for a module-specific behavior.
948 :param skelType: Defines the type of the node that shall be added.
949 :param skel: The Skeleton that is going to be added.
951 .. seealso:: :func:`add`, :func:`onAdded`
952 """
953 pass
955 def onAdded(self, skelType: SkelType, skel: SkeletonInstance):
956 """
957 Hook function that is called after adding an entry.
959 It should be overridden for a module-specific behavior.
960 The default is writing a log entry.
962 :param skelType: Defines the type of the node that has been added.
963 :param skel: The Skeleton that has been added.
965 .. seealso:: :func:`add`, :func:`onAdd`
966 """
967"""Entry of kind {skelType!r} added: {skel["key"]!r}""")
968 flushCache(kind=skel.kindName)
969 if user := current.user.get():
970"""User: {user["name"]!r} ({user["key"]!r})""")
972 def onEdit(self, skelType: SkelType, skel: SkeletonInstance):
973 """
974 Hook function that is called before editing an entry.
976 It can be overridden for a module-specific behavior.
978 :param skelType: Defines the type of the node that shall be edited.
979 :param skel: The Skeleton that is going to be edited.
981 .. seealso:: :func:`edit`, :func:`onEdited`
982 """
983 pass
985 def onEdited(self, skelType: SkelType, skel: SkeletonInstance):
986 """
987 Hook function that is called after modifying an entry.
989 It should be overridden for a module-specific behavior.
990 The default is writing a log entry.
992 :param skelType: Defines the type of the node that has been edited.
993 :param skel: The Skeleton that has been modified.
995 .. seealso:: :func:`edit`, :func:`onEdit`
996 """
997"""Entry of kind {skelType!r} changed: {skel["key"]!r}""")
998 flushCache(key=skel["key"])
999 if user := current.user.get():
1000"""User: {user["name"]!r} ({user["key"]!r})""")
1002 def onView(self, skelType: SkelType, skel: SkeletonInstance):
1003 """
1004 Hook function that is called when viewing an entry.
1006 It should be overridden for a module-specific behavior.
1007 The default is doing nothing.
1009 :param skelType: Defines the type of the node that is viewed.
1010 :param skel: The Skeleton that is viewed.
1012 .. seealso:: :func:`view`
1013 """
1014 pass
1016 def onDelete(self, skelType: SkelType, skel: SkeletonInstance):
1017 """
1018 Hook function that is called before deleting an entry.
1020 It can be overridden for a module-specific behavior.
1022 :param skelType: Defines the type of the node that shall be deleted.
1023 :param skel: The Skeleton that is going to be deleted.
1025 .. seealso:: :func:`delete`, :func:`onDeleted`
1026 """
1027 pass
1029 def onDeleted(self, skelType: SkelType, skel: SkeletonInstance):
1030 """
1031 Hook function that is called after deleting an entry.
1033 It should be overridden for a module-specific behavior.
1034 The default is writing a log entry.
1036 ..warning: Saving the skeleton again will undo the deletion
1037 (if the skeleton was a leaf or a node with no children).
1039 :param skelType: Defines the type of the node that is deleted.
1040 :param skel: The Skeleton that has been deleted.
1042 .. seealso:: :func:`delete`, :func:`onDelete`
1043 """
1044"""Entry deleted: {skel["key"]!r} ({skelType!r})""")
1045 flushCache(key=skel["key"])
1046 if user := current.user.get():
1047"""User: {user["name"]!r} ({user["key"]!r})""")
1049 def onClone(self, skelType: SkelType, skel: SkeletonInstance, src_skel: SkeletonInstance):
1050 """
1051 Hook function that is called before cloning an entry.
1053 It can be overwritten to a module-specific behavior.
1055 :param skelType: Defines the type of the node that is cloned.
1056 :param skel: The new SkeletonInstance that is being created.
1057 :param src_skel: The source SkeletonInstance `skel` is cloned from.
1059 .. seealso:: :func:`clone`, :func:`onCloned`
1060 """
1061 pass
1063 @CallDeferred
1064 def _clone_recursive(
1065 self,
1066 skel_type: SkelType,
1067 src_key: db.Key,
1068 target_key: db.Key,
1069 target_repo: db.Key,
1070 cursor=None
1071 ):
1072 """
1073 Helper function which is used by default onCloned() to clone a recursive structure.
1074 """
1075 assert (skel_type := self._checkSkelType(skel_type))
1077 logging.debug(f"_clone_recursive {skel_type=}, {src_key=}, {target_key=}, {target_repo=}, {cursor=}")
1079 q = self.cloneSkel(skel_type).all().filter("parententry", src_key).order("sortindex")
1080 q.setCursor(cursor)
1082 count = 0
1083 for skel in q.fetch():
1084 src_skel = skel
1086 skel = skel.clone()
1087 skel["key"] = None
1088 skel["parententry"] = target_key
1089 skel["parentrepo"] = target_repo
1091 self.onClone(skel_type, skel, src_skel=src_skel)
1092 logging.debug(f"copying {skel=}") # this logging _is_ needed, otherwise not all values are being written..
1093 assert skel.write()
1094 self.onCloned(skel_type, skel, src_skel=src_skel)
1095 count += 1
1097 logging.debug(f"_clone_recursive {count=}")
1099 if cursor := q.getCursor():
1100 self._clone_recursive(skel_type, src_key, target_key, target_repo, skel_type, cursor)
1102 def onCloned(self, skelType: SkelType, skel: SkeletonInstance, src_skel: SkeletonInstance):
1103 """
1104 Hook function that is called after cloning an entry.
1106 It can be overwritten to a module-specific behavior.
1108 By default, when cloning a "node", this function calls :func:`_clone_recursive`
1109 which recursively clones the entire structure below this node in the background.
1110 If this is not wanted, or wanted by a specific setting, overwrite this function
1111 without a super-call.
1113 :param skelType: Defines the type of the node that is cloned.
1114 :param skel: The new SkeletonInstance that was created.
1115 :param src_skel: The source SkeletonInstance `skel` was cloned from.
1117 .. seealso:: :func:`clone`, :func:`onClone`
1118 """
1119"""Entry cloned: {skel["key"]!r} ({skelType!r})""")
1120 flushCache(kind=skel.kindName)
1122 if user := current.user.get():
1123"""User: {user["name"]!r} ({user["key"]!r})""")
1125 # Clone entire structure below, in case this is a node.
1126 if skelType == "node":
1127 self._clone_recursive("node", src_skel["key"], skel["key"], skel["parentrepo"])
1129 if self.leafSkelCls:
1130 self._clone_recursive("leaf", src_skel["key"], skel["key"], skel["parentrepo"]) = True
1134Tree.admin = True