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Adding a new Bone View Widget

Currently, registered view widgets are only used in the list handler. Only existing bones can be overwritten. No new cells can be added.


All plugin registrations take place in the App.vue file. It is recommended to use the onMounted hook here. The Vue component must first be imported.

import MyCustomStringBoneView from '@/components/MyCustomStringBoneView.vue'
onMounted(() => {
    dbStore.state["bones.view"] = {
        "str.custom": MyCustomStringBoneView

ViUR Core Bone Types

To set a custom bone type, you do not need to create a new bone and inherit it from another Bone. Instead, you can set the type according to the definition in the skeleton.


url = StringBone(descr = "My Custom Bone") 
url.type = "str.custom"

The Component

he widget must provide the following props:

  • bonename: the bonename
  • skel: the skeleton
  • structure: the structure
  • idx: current index in list
  • rendered the default rendered String

In addition to the Pinia stores, various handler objects are provided so that they can be used to manipulate the handlers. These include the following objects:

  • handlerState: reactive State of the handler, like selections
  • currentlist: the current RequestList instance, to change filters, or other stuff
  • reloadAction: trigger the handler internal reload action
  • nextpage: fetch the next batch if possible
  • setLimit: change the batch size

These objects can be injected and used as usual in vueJs.

const handlerState = inject("handlerState")