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Administration Development

To develop on the administration, the vi-admin repository is mounted as a submodule in the project under sources. It must be ensured that the submodules contained are also checked out.

The vue-utils and vue-components packages can then be added for editing using the following command. The sources for this can then be found under /packages.

npm run install-dev

The local package changes should not be committed. The changes to the vue-utils and vue-components must be built into new npm packages. After the updates are available as new versions, they can be installed with the following command.

npm run install-prod

Add a Custom Admin

There is currently no automatic or simple way to make the admin plugin-compatible. You can proceed as follows:

  • download the vi-admin source code
  • put the code unter sources/admin
  • add vue-utils and vue-components as submodule unter sources/admin/packages/vue-utils and sources/admin/packages/vue-components

With this setup you can use the install-dev commands described above